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showing 31 - 35 of 91 event(s)
May 23 2012
SCICC Annual Awards Dinner

By: Southern California-Israel Chamber of Commerce

American Jewish University
You are Invited to the Southern California Israel Chamber of Commerce (SCICC) Awards Evening on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012. Tickets just $30 per person. Be a Table sponsor- $300 for table of 10 .
April 29 2012
Israel’s 64th Independence Day Festival

By: Southern California-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Cheviot Hills Recreation Center at Rancho Park West Los Angeles

Please join us at this year’s community wide festival celebrating Israel’s 64th, Independence Day. use Your SCICC code to buy your tickets.

February 14 2012
AIMA BioMed Tech Conference 2012

By: Southern California-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Skirball Cultural Center
Register now for the AIMA BioMed Tech Conference
May 3rd, 2012 - 5:00-10:00pm
Skirball Cultural Center
March 01 2012
Meet Ron Folman from Ben Gurion Univ. to learn about Nanotechnology in Israel

By: Southern California-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Beverly Hilton Hotel | 9876 Wilshire Boulevard| Los Angeles, CA 90210
Register now for the SCICC morning meeting
March 1st, 2012 - 7:30-9:00am

Southern California Israel Chamber of Commerce and
American Associates of Ben- Gurion University
invites you to our monthly breakfast meeting with

Dr. Ron Folman, Head of the Nanotechnology Department Ben-Gurion University

who will discuss

"Current Nanotech research projects at BGU and their Impact on the future"

January 20 2012
Meet Selwyn Gerber from Gerber & Co. to learn about USA Israel Taxation Opportunities

By: Southern California-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Greenberg Traurig Santa Monica, California

Join SCICC for its monthly breakfast meeting this Jan 20th, 2012 at 7:30-9:00am at Greenberg Traurig as we welcome the new Consul General of Israel, Mr. David Siegel.

We will have a special presentation by Selwyn Gerber CPA who is the Founding Partner at Gerber & Co.

He will be discussing Taxation Matters: USA-Israel Income And Estate Tax Planning Opportunities.